ColorFalt Colours

Coloured Asphalt

Coloured Asphalt

ColorFalt® Colours
At Ventraco Chemie we know the problems in the processing of powder pigment in asphalt plants: dust and debris!
Therefore, Ventraco has developed a pigment pellet which can be applied very easily and has specifically been designed for the road building industry.
This colour pellet is our first product innovation and was introduced in the market under the brand name ColorFalt®. In the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of tons of coloured asphalt have been produced with ColorFalt colour pellets in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond.
Ventraco recons the product development as a dynamic process. In the coming years we will continue to further develop the colour pellets and we will keep improving them.

ColorFalt V Red ® is the most common colour in the roadbuilding industry. It is also possible to deliver asphalt in the following colours; blue, green, yellow, white, marigold, grey, brown and black.However, we have also focused on the development ofColorFalt® Design colours.

ColorFalt® 'Tailor Made' 
Besides the basic colors we can deliver a colour pellet 'on demand'. It has become possible to produce asphalt in nearly every colour. This is particularly interesting for landscape architects, municipalities, urban planners, etc. All pellets developed by Ventraco are based on durable, lightfast pigments which can easily be processed (no dust!) by asphalt plants.