Safe access route Amsterdam Arena - Dura Vermeer



In consultation with a project group from the municipality of Amsterdam, Dura Vermeer has constructed a safe access route from Duivendrecht Station to  Amsterdam Arena. 

Initially intended to guide the large stream of supporters from Duivendrecht station to the Arena during the European Football Championships in 2020.  Although the European Championship has been postponed for a year, the construction of the project has continued. In this video, employees of Dura Vermeer give a short impression.


Amsterdam Arena wit asfalt

By using ColorFalt V Wit and white crushed stone, safety has also increased. Now, the road also feels a lot safer in the evening. More information about white asphalt can be found here:

Next to the 'Safe bicycle walking route', a playground has been constructed in the colour Marigold.
Photo credits: @Dura Vermeer